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When to Use Cold Therapy

Have you had a chance to read out latest blog yet? If so, you already know how heat therapy works and when to use it. We also talked about how our far infrared mats are the ultimate tool for heat therapy because far infrared rays can penetrate deep into the body without harming the skin. However, heat therapy is not always an appropriate option. Sometimes, cold therapy is more helpful.

How does cold therapy work?

You may not be surprised to learn that cold therapy has the opposite effect on the body as heat therapy. While heat therapy speeds up the flow of blood by opening the blood vessels, cold therapy constricts the blood vessels to slow the flow of blood. This constriction of the blood vessels slows circulation and helps to reduce pain, muscle spasms and inflammation. Just as heat therapy isn’t an appropriate option for every injury or issue, neither is cold therapy.

When should you use cold therapy over heat therapy?

As a general rule, cold therapy should be used when an injury is sensitive, inflamed, red or recent. This is because, when an injury is recent, the tissue that surrounds the injury site can become swollen, bruised and inflamed. Because cold therapy limits the flow of blood to the injury, it helps to minimize the swelling, bruising and inflammation.

If you are unsure about whether cold therapy or heat therapy is the right option for you, it’s always wise to consult your physician. He or she can help you figure out which option is the best for you and your specific injury.